Tuesday, March 06, 2007

This Friday March 9 program "sex and the new you"

The journey into adulthood is exciting, yet sometimes painful; emotional, yet frequently awkward -- for preteens and teens, as well as for moms and dads! Sex is one of the topic not commonly discussed in church, meanwhile, our society continually bombards young people with sexual information. This Friday we have invited Pastor Calvin to speak to us on this seldom discuss topic from a distinctively Christian point of view, in the context of our relationship to the God who created us and redeemed us in Jesus Christ and sex as another good gift from God which is to be used responsibly.

March break is coming up.......hooray!! I know some of you will be away with family, if I don't see you this Friday......have a great time with your family and everyone enjoy the break and snow. As for me, I am looking forward to SPRING!!! Ha ha ha.